Pelvic Floor Support in Postpartum with Diane Rizzardo


Led by Bija’s resident PT, Diane will teach you what exactly your pelvic floor is. You’ll learn why posture matters (especially when breastfeeding!) You’ll get an overview of diastasis recti and prolapses. Diane provides an easy to follow program to return to exercise and simple dos and don’ts for your pelvic floor recovery.

What’s included:

+ Link to watch course (1 hour, 11 minutes)

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Diane is a Registered Physiotherapist in beautiful Vancouver, British Columbia Canada. She sees a mixture of sport & orthopedic patient’s as well as Clinical Pilates & Pelvic health patients. As a multi-sport athlete growing up and now a distance runner she understands how important sport and activity is in our overall health, both psychologically and physically and wants to help everyone stay active and injury free.